10th Anniversary Celebration and Embutaikai

Kawabe Shihan demonstrating a technique with Kong Sensei during our tenth anniversary celebrations in June 2010.
Kawabe Shihan demonstrating a technique with Kong Sensei during our tenth anniversary celebrations in June 2010.
Kawabe Shihan instructs NY and visiting students during the Tenth Anniversary Weekend celebrations.

Our tenth anniversary was celebrated in 2010 in part by a public demonstration held on Saturday June 12, 2010 at the Mark Morris Dance Center (3 Lafayette Avenue, Brooklyn NY 11217).

Demonstrators included Kawabe Takeshi Shihan (head instructor of Takumakai) and other teachers and members of Takumakai Japan; senior teachers and members of Fudoshin from Finland; and Yushinkan members in the US.

This event was a rare opportunity to view authentic Daito-ryu as practiced by Takumakai. For questions, or press inquiries, please contact us.