
Daito-ryu aikijujutsu is a traditional Japanese martial art. It is one of the many styles of jujutsu that were part of the fundamental martial skill for all bushi, or warriors of feudal Japan. Daito-ryu’s elegance and practical efficacy are products of hundreds of years of development and refinement. Daito-ryu employs a wide range of throwing, pinning, disarming and joint immobilizing techniques. The use of aiki, or internal energy harmonized with breathing and mechanical advantage, distinguishes Daito-ryu from other jujutsu. Daito-ryu is suitable for all people, regardless of their size or strength.  Originally, Daito-ryu was not taught openly.  However in the late 1800’s, Takeda Sokaku- known as the modern reviver of Daito-ryu- began teaching the art publicly.  Two of his best students were Takuma Hisa (after whom Takumakai is named), and Ueshiba Morihei, the founder of modern Aikido.

In 1939 Takuma Hisa was awarded Menkyo Kaiden (full transmission) in Daito-ryu by Takeda Sokaku after studying under both him and Ueshiba Morihei.  In 1975 the Takumakai was formally established by prominent students of Takuma Hisa and Nakatsu Heizaburo.  Hakaru Mori was appointed and served as Soumucho until his death in 2021.  Kobayashi Akihiko was appointed and is the current Soumucho.

Kawabe Takeshi 8th Dan, Shihan, former head instructor of Takumakai, founded Kobukan in 2019. Kobukan was established for the purpose of passing on to future generations the techniques taught by Takeda Sokaku and Ueshiba Morihei between 1936 and 1939. Both Kobukan and Takumakai are based in Osaka, Japan, and have branches throughout Kansai, and in Europe, Australia, and the United States of America. The Kobukan Website.

Yushinkan is a direct, lineal branch of Kobukan and Takumakai, and is one of only a handful of qualified organizations that teaches Daito-ryu in the United States. We began our training in 1998. Yushinkan is small by design in order to attract and keep serious students, to keep the quality of training high, and to create the camaraderie necessary for such training. The dojo is open to anyone genuinely interested in learning Daito-ryu. Yushinkan regularly participates in and hosts international training camps, and is a part of a larger community of Kobukan and Takumakai dojo. The Head Instructor of Yushinkan is Rodrigo Kong, 6th dan, Kyoju Dairi. We are overseen by regular visits from Kawabe Takeshi, Shihan.

Kawabe Shihan executing a technique.

Kawabe Shihan executing a technique with one of our students.